Here you are, the Mystery call,
Here you are,
Right now,
This very moment is your life.
And this moment is perfect because
This is what is.
But the mind, never satisfied,
Seeks control,
Reaches for Certainty,
Determined to fashion reality
According to its own image.
Let go, the Mystery implores.
Wonder, for awhile,
Not about changing the moment.
Wonder about changing
Your understanding
Shifting your perspective,
So the energy spent
Bemoaning imperfection,
Clinging to regret,
And worrying about what will be
Can be put to better use.
Wonder about shifting your perspective,
Changing your understanding,
So you can step fully
Into what each moment offers,
What each moment asks.
The choice is your.
Make a decision
About what attitudes,
What perspectivies
You are going to encourage
In your mind, body and spirit.
This is not easy.
In this life there will always be loss,
There will always be things
That do not go the way we had hoped,
Expected or planned.
This is how it is
And it is your choice
How you will meet each circumstance,
Each moment of your life.