My special thanks, whose even-balanced soul,
From first youth tested up to extreme old age,
Business could not make dull, nor passion wild
Who saw life steadily and saw it whole.” Matthew Arnold
It's a common experience that at different seasons of our lives, we’re more focused on one domain than another. However, if we consider family, work/school, physical health, finances, emotional health, intellectual growth, spirituality and social engagement as life domains, attending to each will add to a rich and fuller life! What do you notice around where your time and energy go irrespective of life stage?
We certainly seek flow states and may experience them in one domain more than another, but what might happen if you spend a little more time and energy in the domains that maybe you’ve neglected and/or not made a priority? Is it possible that the “flow” states will be more readily and frequently experienced in your top one or two domains AND a whole new juice of life is nourished in other domains? For the doers, are you allowing enough play? For those that are high on social engagement, is there a practice that will support results in another domain? For the intellectually curious, do you allow enough time in your heart, with yourself, in nature, in a community of like-minded individuals that uplift you? What might be inviting more attention to your days?
It’s fun to continue to uncover new truths about ourselves and our world as we attend to the different domains and get curious about what we find!