Beauty is defined in many ways, in multiple contexts, and cannot be contained in words. The soul feels it, knows it, caresses it, and is soothed by it.
It’s most poignant in the expressions of goodness, love, courage, justice, compassion, which are given, received and witnessed.
Beauty follows us in our days. It's in and through people: the giggles of a child; a wizened face and hands of an elderly person who wears her life experiences with grace. It’s in moments of encountering ideas, art, literature, people that are “in spirit” inspiring and impacting our lives in moments.
Beauty can also be an embodied experience: We taste something delightful; hear something that moves us in dance; hold a glance that excites and awakens the heart; follow the choreography of a prayer that feels meaningful; feel the dripping of sweat from our body, carrying us through an intense workout; experience a sensation/release from holding a yoga pose; touch and partake in some way in our environment.
But beauty is not only gentle and lovely; sometimes she’s muscular, forceful, hard. She elicits and receives support. Here, we find beauty when we know our own and others’ pain, struggles, sadness, and can bring them into full awareness, be gentle, be still…Trusting in Life…ourselves, and if not ourselves in a certain moment, others, who can guide, nurture, or simply be with us, no words, just Love, to know we are not alone.
Beauty is always there, within and beyond each and every one of us.