In positive psychology, COURAGE AND JUSTICE are identified as two of the six core virtues of human experience (VIA classification). The enactment of these virtues can "save our world," our organizations, and our families, The character strengths that underpin courage are honesty, zeal, perseverance and bravery; and fairness, leadership and teamwork are character strengths associated with justice.
Let's take a look at these two virtues and consider the deeper implications. Historically-on the macro level-advances in social justice issues are found in the courageous heroes who risked their lives for freedom to embody the human experience, authentically, vigorously, irrespective of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, and/or class. While the late Abraham Joshua Heschel marched along Martin Luther King Jr, declaring "I pray with my feet,' MLK Jr. spoke TRUTH: we should "not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character." Yes! Courage, beautiful!
Organizationally, we hear less of those that speak out against abuses of power, discrimination, workplace bullying, or retaliation in the work place. But, individuals who risk their jobs, their good name, for justice are living courageously, with a true team-orientation and are attempting to create systemic changes, if not in their current organization, one in which vision, mission and values' statements are embedded and lived in real ways across all levels of management and organizational structure.
In families (and organizations/society), courage and justice also result in psychological ease, emotional grounding and wisdom. In families, for example, we need only to look at the mother or father, partner, or family member, who distorts a situation, denies, blames unfairly, or invalidates another...Here, is the beginning of shame, indignity, injustice (and contributing factors to some psychological disorders) Conversely, raised in a home in which courage and justice are demonstrated, individuals continue to nurture this in themselves and goad it in others.
May our societal, organizational and familial "cultures" radiate forth courage and justice...And, may we see, experience, speak and have actions animated by all that is beautiful.