Stephen Dinan in his book Sacred America,Sacred World as well as Rabbi Michael Lerner of the Tikkun community, among others, have put forward practical ideas to foster healing between groups. A deeper understanding is being confirmed and reified in our world of greater multiculturalism and within group differences. The ritual/practice/theology is right and good when it supports life, transcends parochialism and tangibly extends love, dignity and respect to each and every human being irrespective of race, creed, or sexual orientation.
In positive psychology, civic participation is a virtue: cultivating courage and promoting justice supports collective wellness. While we work individually and collaboratively for the causes closest to our hearts, we can learn much from being in a space of open curiosity at what appears to be differences. At the deepest level, we can trust that we are all made of the same fine stuff-physical and potentially metaphysical-to connect and draw forth the best within ourselves, each culture, each peoplehood.