Each day, I have met some of the most interesting people. Israelis are super friendly and conversations have been so much fun. At the end of one conversation, Dodi asked if he gave me a headache. I smiled as the conversation was a good few hours and he would get very excited "Achshav (now)" he would declare as he would try to explain why it's not the Right or Left, capitalism or socialism rather "manipulation," "corruption," which prevents us from "taking care of the old." There was also Micah who was into energy healing and valuing the importance of "investing in science over wars." There was Lisa from Hollywood who has been in Israel three months and described herself as a Hare Krishna, Buddhist, Hindu, Moslem and everything else. "Oh yes" I said, "we are all one." There was Tzion who scared the hec out of me and then there was Tariq who talked about "psycho-economics" and urged me to vote for Clinton and democracy; he turned out to be Assyrian. As I explained to Lisa, I couldn't imagine in L.A., meeting and engaging in such conversations even 1x/wk. On average, about 1-2x/day, I delighted in the philosophizing...in the learnings, in the observations and in the sharing.
There undoubtedly is a lovely spirit,joie de vivre (joy of life), here in Tel Aviv...